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100+ Caption Liburan Bahasa Inggris, Gen Z Wajib Lihat!

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Caption Liburan Bahasa Inggris

Liburan itu momen paling ditunggu-tunggu, apalagi kalau kamu bisa posting foto saat liburan di media sosial. Tapi, gimana sih caranya bikin caption yang nggak cuma keren tapi juga bisa bikin temen-temen pada comment?

Nah, Jangan khawatir, kita punya ide inspirasi 100+ caption liburan bahasa Inggris yang pastinya bakal bikin feed kamu makin gen Z banget!

Buat kamu yang lagi nyari caption seru, lucu, atau malah yang penuh makna, artikel ini cocok banget buat kamu. Dari yang casual sampai yang bikin temen-temen kamu mikir, semua ada di sini, mulai dari foto di pantai, gunung, atau di , Min-GO siapin pilihan kata-kata yang bisa jadi bahan referensi!

So, cek inspirasi idenya di bawah ini, ya!

100+ Ide Caption Liburan Bahasa Inggris yang Cocok untuk Gen Z

  1. Good vibes and tan lines.
  2. Let’s get lost in the right direction.
  3. Just a little sunshine and a whole lot of fun.
  4. Collecting memories, not things.
  5. Adventure awaits, go find it
  6. Sandy toes and salty kisses.
  7. Life is short, take the trip.
  8. Take only pictures, leave only footprints.
  9. If you need me, I’ll be on vacation.
  10. Chasing sunsets and dreams.
  11. Vacation mode: ON.
  12. Not all who wander are lost.
  13. Sun, sea, the sky, and me.
  14. Making memories one trip at a time.Escaping reality one adventure at a time.
  15. Let the sea set you free.
  16. Vacation calories don’t count.
  17. Sunkissed and carefree
  18. Ocean air, salty hair.
  19. Chillin’ like a villain in paradise.
  20. Work hard, travel harder.
  21. Making my way through the world, one beach at a time.Take a break, then take another break.
  22. Wander often, wonder always.
  23. Life was meant for good friend
  24. s and great adventures.
  25. Living my best vacation life.
  26. Sun, sand, and sea – the perfect combo.
  27. Good times and tan lines.
  28. Adventure is out there, and I’m all in.
  29. Salt in the air, sand in my hair.
  30. Do more things that make you forget to check your phone.
  31. Tropical state of mind.Let the adventures begin.
  32. Good vibes only, always.
  33. Falling in love with this place.
  34. Catch flights, not feelings.
  35. Summer days and endless rays.
  36. Here for the vibes and the views.
  37. I need six months of vacation, twice a year.
  38. Paradise found, now leave me here.
  39. Finding my own sunshine.
  40. A vacation is what you take when you can’t take what you’ve been taking anymore.
  41. Let’s go where the WiFi is weak and the vibes are strong.
  42. Adventure is calling, and I must go.
  43. Living for the moments you can’t put into words.
  44. Leave nothing but footprints, take nothing but memories.
  45. This is my happy place.
  46. Sunsets are proof that no matter what happens, every day can end beautifully.
  47. Travel far, travel wide.
  48. Sandy toes, sun-kissed nose.
  49. In a committed relationship with my passport.
  50. Ocean breeze, beach please.
  51. Waking up in paradise.
  52. Not all who wander are lost, some are just exploring.
  53. Here for the sunsets and good company.
  54. Life’s too short to not travel.
  55. Getting lost is the best way to find yourself.
  56. Let’s wander where the WiFi is weak.
  57. The best views come after the hardest climbs.
  58. Escape the ordinary.
  59. Living for those beach days.
  60. Sunkissed and wanderlust-filled.
  61. Take the scenic route.
  62. Find me where the earth meets the sky.
  63. No hurry, no worry.
  64. Living life with a little more sunshine.
  65. Exploring new places, one step at a time.
  66. Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer.
  67. Happiness is a journey, not a destination.
  68. Another day, another adventure.
  69. The world is too big to stay in one place.
  70. Trekking through new trails.
  71. Living out of a suitcase, but feeling at home everywhere.
  72. The best way to predict the future is to create it by traveling.
  73. Let your dreams set sail.
  74. Adventure is worthwhile.
  75. Happiness is found on the road less traveled.
  76. Wander more, worry less.
  77. Just another day in paradise.
  78. My soul belongs to the sea.
  79. Here to make memories.
  80. The world is too big to not see it all.
  81. Sunsets, beaches, and good vibes.
  82. Making the most of this trip.
  83. Escaping to somewhere new.
  84. Collect moments, not things.
  85. Every adventure starts with a little courage.
  86. Life’s a journey, enjoy the ride.
  87. Exploring the world, one city at a time.
  88. The mountains are calling, and I must go.
  89. Wanderlust: a never-ending adventure.
  90. Let’s get away and explore.
  91. Gone exploring, be back later.
  92. The best journeys are the ones that lead to new places.
  93. Travel far enough, you meet yourself.
  94. Escaping into the unknown.
  95. Life is short, the world is wide.
  96. Stay wild, adventure often.
  97. Here for the view and the vibes.
  98. Travel more, worry less.
  99. Living for the weekends and getaways.
  100. Adventure is where the heart is.
  101. Taking the road less traveled.
  102. Seek adventure and embrace the unknown.
  103. Explore more, dream bigger.

Baca Juga: Dialog Bahasa Inggris Tentang Liburan

Jadi, udah siap buat posting caption liburan dalam bahasa Inggris yang gawl abis dan bikin semua temen-temen kamu komen buat ikut liburan bareng kamu?

Kalau kamu masih nyari inspirasi liburan yang seru, atau pengen banget punya pengalaman liburan yang beda dari yang lain, jangan ragu buat join Holiday Program di Kampung Inggris Plus Jakarta!

Hal yang paling penting, kamu bisa ngomong English bareng native speaker alias BULE langsung, loh!

Dan, siapa tahu, liburan impian kamu dimulai dari sini. Atau kamu bakal ketemu jodoh baru juga di sini?

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Teguh Gunawan, S.Li.
Teguh Gunawan, S.Li.
Digital Marketing Enthusiast who's passionate about SEO, Content Writing, and Copywriting.
Teguh Gunawan, S.Li.
Teguh Gunawan, S.Li.
Digital Marketing Enthusiast who's passionate about SEO, Content Writing, and Copywriting.