Kursus Bahasa Inggris Untuk Perusahaan dan Karyawan (In Company Training)
Kursus Bahasa Inggris Untuk Perusahaan dan Karyawan dengan fasilitas lengkap dan biaya super terjangkau.
Silakan isi formulir di bawah ini untuk chat admin kami dan mendapatkan informasi lengkap mengenai program dan harga.
Dengan klik ‘Submit Form,’ Anda menyetujui Kebijakan Privasi kami.
Belajar di kelas yang berisi 10 Peserta /kelas (avg). Pembelajaran terasa lebih efektif dan optimal.
Kamu bebas bertanya apapun dan praktik speaking intensif langsung sama Bule.
Cek progress belajarmu secara berkala melalui aplikasi interaktif GEA (Golden English App).
Kami telah merancang kurikulum sistematis sesuai dengan kebutuhan kamu seputar bahasa Inggris.
Tersedia pilihan jadwal yang fleksibel, termasuk kelas online, sehingga kamu dapat belajar kapan saja dan di mana saja.
Setiap peserta kursus akan mendapatkan evaluasi rutin untuk mengukur perkembanganmu.
✔Customer Service Communication
✔Telephone Etiquette
✔Handling Complaints
✔Check-In/Check-Out Procedures
✔Hotel Services & Amenities
✔Cross-Cultural Communication
✔Patient Interaction & Communication
✔ Cultural Sensitivity in Healthcare
✔Taking Patient History
✔Giving Instructions & Advice
✔Emergency Situations
✔Writing Medical Reports
✔Patient Introduction & Reception
✔Medical Terminology
✔Patient History & Consultation
✔Giving Instructions
✔Doctor-Patient Communication
✔Handling Medical Records
✔Regulations & Compliance
✔Handling Prescription Medications
✔Pharmaceutical Product Descriptions
✔Consulting Patients on Medication
✔Pharmaceutical Marketing
✔Technical Vocabulary and Terminology
✔Technical Writing Skills
✔Product Specifications & Instructions
✔Engineering Drawings
✔Maintenance Procedures and Reports
✔Trade Vocabulary and Terminology
✔Business Correspondence
✔Negotiation Skills in Trade Deals
✔Incoterms and Shipping Terms
✔Documentation and Procedures
✔Import/Export Regulations
✔Greeting and Welcoming Guests
✔Answering Phone Calls Professionally
✔Providing Directions
✔Handling Reservations and Bookings
✔Managing Inquiries and Requests
✔Greeting and Welcoming Customers
✔Understanding Customer Needs
✔Explaining Products and Services
✔Handling Complaints
✔Professional Responses
"I am happy to be here because I can improve my English skills both in writing and speaking. The teacher really helps me when I need to learn more, we aren't only learning the theory but also we're practicing what we learned. If you want to improve and to learn more, I recommend you Golden English."
University of Kwik Kian Gie
"There are so many English courses in Serpong, but sometimes it's not easy to find the right one. Then, finally I got information about Golden English, with affordable price and flexible schedule. Golden English is a place where I can practice English conversation through the interactive medias, such as videos, slides and musics."
Staff of The Westin Hotel Indonesia
"From my point of view, Golden English is the best choice for a beginner to learn English, with the cheapest price, they provide comfortable classrooms and good facilities. Golden English is not only teaching you about English, but it also has a kinship and togetherness with others."
Land Acquisition Staff of PT Waskita Jaya
"Hallo saya vivin, Semenjak saya kursus di golden english, kosakata English saya bertambah,pastinya english saya juga semakin baik ya, pengajar nya yang super ramah, dan yang paling suka itu kl kita nggak masuk di hari les, bisa d ganti d hari lain, semakin nyaman les di golden english."
PT. Mensa Bina Sukses