
Pengertian Simple, Compound dan Complex Sentece

Hari ini kita akan membahas tentang beberapa jenis kalimat. Diantaranya: simple sentence, compound sentence dan complex sentence.

Namun sebelum kita membahas simple sentence, compound sentence dan complex sentence lebih detail mari kita pelajari dahulu apakah itu kalimat (sentence).

Sebuah sentence atau kalimat adalah rangkaian kata yang terdiri dari subjek (subject), kata kerja (verb), objek (object) dan pelengkap atau keterangan lainnya (complementary).

Jika di dalamnya tidak ada element tersebut maka itu bukanlah sebuah kalimat melainkan sebuah frasa (phrase).

  1. Simple sentence (Kalimat Tunggal)

Di dalam sebuah kalimat tunggal (simple sentence) hanya terdapat satu subjek (subject), satu kata kerja (verb), dan satu objek (object). 

Hal ini menandakan jika di dalam kalimat tunggal hanya terdapat inti kalimat atau induk kalimat.

Sehingga kita tidak membutuhkan penghubung di dalam kalimat tunggal.

Contoh :

  • She treats me a bowl of noodle in the morning.
  • I am a best student in my school.
  • We never play the game in my room.
  • You go to the market everyday
  • He reads the best seller book form the library.
  • They went to the park last week
  • The cat is running fast now
  • I like to watch romantic movie every week
  • I have just received a letter for my father since 2000
  • They repaired their motorcycle in the workshop yesterday


  1. Compound sentence (Kalimat Majemuk)

Berbeda dengan kalimat tunggal (Simple Sentence), kalimat majemuk (compound sentence) memiliki susunan yang berbeda. 

Di dalamnya terdapat lebih dari satu subjek (subject) dan kata kerja (verb) karena di dalam kalimat majemuk (compound sentence) terdapat lebih dari satu klausa independen (independent clause) serta memiliki penghubung (conjunction) yang menghubungkan klausa tersebut.

Contoh :

  • She really wants to go to school but her father can’t takes her to the school
  • He went to the cinema for meeting his friend but his friend never came to the cinema.
  • I am swimming in her swimming pool and I find her ring.
  • They got bad rank in their school so their mother gets angry.
  • You mop the floor but your daughter run to her room quickly
  • We drink two glasses of milk every week because we don’t have much money for buying it
  • My cat sleeps in my room and my mother tyies to distrube it
  • You want to learn English in her room but she doesn’t allow you
  • We try to make an ice cream but we forget to put it in the fridge
  • She is smart student in my class because she always borrows two books in the library every week.

Baca Juga Artikel Sebelumnya :

Pengertian Conditional Sentences
Pengertian Parts of Speechs

  1. Complex sentence (Kalimat Kompleks)

Complex sentence berbeda dengan simple sentence dan juga compound sentence karena di dalam complex sentence terdapat dua clausa yaitu Independent Clause dan Dependent Clause yang digabungkan menjadi satu kalimat.

Dependent Clause juga bertujuan untuk menerangkan Independent Clause dan Dependent clause juga tidak dapat berdiri sendiri.

Maka dari itu Dependent clause tidal bisa dipisahkan dengan Independent clause.


Contoh :

  • Independent Clause : I bring the book
  • Dependent Clause : That you want
  • Complex sentence : I bring the book that you want
  • Independent clause : I should go to her birthday party
  • Dependent clause : which is nice
  • Complex sentence : I should go to her birthday party which is nice
  • Independent clause : I have so many cats
  • Dependent clause : That is very cute
  • Complex sentence : I have so many cats that I bought in the pet shop yesterday
  • Independent clause : She is the beautiful girl
  • Dependent clause : Who I met yesterday
  • Complex sentence : She is the beautiful girl who I met yesterday

Nah, itu dia penjelasan dan contoh mengenai beberapa jenis kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris. Semoga membantu, ya. Sukses selalu dan sampai jumpa di artikel berikutnya.

Ditulis oleh Ade Jayanti, S.Pd

Lulusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Universitas Indraprasta PGRI Jakarta

Staff akademik di Golden English dan Pengisi materi di Simple English Mastery

Jika Anda membutuhkan kursus bahasa Inggris online dengan materi dan kurikulum lengkap,

Anda bisa bergabung dengan program Simple English Mastery dari Golden English.

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