
Now Everyone Can Speak English

Cara Memberikan Arahan Menggunakan Bahasa Inggris Berikut

Daftar Isi


Saat Anda berada di suatu tempat entah itu desa atau negara yang tidak Anda tahu. Anda bisa dengan mudah tersesat di beberapa titik selama perjalanan, walaupun Anda memiliki peta. So, sangat berguna untuk mengetahui cara meminta dan memahami petunjuk arah dalam Bahasa Inggris sehingga Anda bisa mencapai tujuan Anda. Anda juga bisa memberikan arahan sendiri kepada turis.

Jadi kata dan frasa apa yang bisa membantu Anda memberi dan menanyakan arah? Baca terus untuk mencari tahu!

Pertama-tama, Anda perlu mengetahui beberapa kosakata dasar. Kata dan kalimat terpenting adalah:

Cara memberikan arahan dengan bahasa inggris

A. Menanyakan Arah

Saat Anda bertanya arah, ingatlah di atas segalanya untuk bersikap sopan. Dan mulailah dengan mengucapkan salah satu kalimat berikut:

– Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to …? (Permisi, bisakah kamu memberitahuku bagaimana menuju ke …?)

– How do I get to …?  (Bagaimana cara saya ke …?)

– What’s the best way to …? (Apa cara terbaik untuk …?)

– Where is …? (Dimana …?)

– Excuse me, do you know where the … is? (Permisi, apa kau tahu dimana … ini?)

– Are we on the right road for …? (Apakah kita berada di jalan yang benar untuk …?)

– Can you show me on the map? (Bisa tunjukkan aku di peta?)

B. Memberikan Petunjuk

Orang yang menolong Anda sering mengatakan seberapa dekat atau jauh tempat itu:

  • It’s about five minutes from here (Itu sekira lima menit dari sini)
  • It’s about ten minutes walk (Itu sekira sepuluh menit jika anda berjalan kaki)
  • It’s easier if I can show you on a map (Itu akan lebih mudah jika saya dapat memperlihatkanmu melalui peta)

C. Menyampaikan Instruksi Spesifik

Instruksi khusus

Berikut beberapa kata dan kalimat yang berguna untuk memberikan petunjuk arah di jalan. Mungkin Anda sedang membantu pengemudi, atau seseorang yang menghentikan Anda untuk menanyakan arah.

  • Turn left / right. (belok kiri/kanan)
  • Go straight on at the lights / when you come to the crossroads. (Lights = traffic lights; crossroads = where two roads cross) ((Lurus langsung ke lampu / saat Anda sampai di persimpangan. (Lampu = lampu lalu lintas; persimpangan jalan = tempat dua jalan bersilangan))
  • Go across the roundabout. (Roundabout = where all the cars go round a circle in the middle of the road) (Pergi ke seberang bundaran. (Roundabout = dimana semua mobil berputar-putar di tengah jalan)
  • Take the first turning / road / street on your left / right. (Turning = road that goes left or right) (Ambil belokan / jalan / jalan pertama di kiri / kanan Anda. (Belok = jalan yang menuju ke kiri atau kanan)
  • You’ll see / You’ll come to a (bank). Then … (Anda akan melihat / Anda akan datang ke (bank). Kemudian …)
  • Don’t take the first road. (Jangan mengambil jalan pertama.)
  • Go on for about (2 minutes / 100 metres.) (Jalan terus sekitar (2 menit / 100 meter)

D. Landmark

Kita sering mengacu pada landmark saat kita memberikan arahan untuk membantu orang lain. Ini bisa berupa tempat-tempat di kota, seperti bioskop, bank, halte bus, dll. Mereka juga bisa menjadi bagian dari sistem jalan raya. Berikut beberapa istilah umum:

  • taxi rank = a place where taxis queue for passengers
  • level crossing = where the road and railway meet. There are barriers that go up and down to signal when a train is coming
  • underpass = a walkway that goes under a busy road so pedestrians can get to the other side safely
  • overpass / flyover = a road that goes over another road (or railway)
  • zebra crossing = black and white markings in the road for pedestrians to cross the road (the markings look like a zebra’s stripes)
  • pedestrian crossing = a place on the road where pedestrians can cross. Often there are traffic lights.
  • tunnel = a road under (or through) mountains
  • crossroads = where two roads cross each other
  • junction = where one road meets another, and you can either go left or right
  • fork in the road = where the road divides, and you decide to go left or right
  • turning = a road off to your left or right
  • main road = a big road where there is lots of traffic
  • lane = a small road, or a part of a road (the left-hand lane / the right-hand lane; the bus lane)

E. Use prepositions of direction/Gunakan preposisi arah:

  • Go past = continue past something so that is is now behind you
  • Go across = cross something, like a road or crossroads
  • Go along = continue down a road
  • Go straight on = don’t turn left or right
  • Go up = walk / drive up a hill
  • Go down = walk or drive down a hill or a road
  • Go through = pass through something, such as a tunnel or a town
  • Go out of = exit (i.e. a railway station)
  • It’s in front of you = you can see it facing you
  • It’s opposite the bank = it faces the bank
  • It’s on the corner = it’s where two roads meet at a 90° angle

(source: https://www.english-at-home.com/phrases-for-giving-directions/#)


Conversation on asking for directions

William: Excuse me, I am sorry to trouble you, but could you tell me how I can get to the train station?

Kate: Yes, no problem, it’s that way. Keep walking straight ahead then after you pass the library you have to turn left. Then take your first right and it’s across from the bus station. You cannot miss it!

William: Thank you so much! I have only been in Manchester for 2 days, so I don’t know how to get anywhere yet.

Kate: Oh, I know that feeling. I and my husband moved here 6 months ago, and I still don’t know how to find certain places! Manchester is so big.

William: So just to double check, keep walking straight ahead till I pass the library, then I have to turn left and take the first right. Then it’s across the bus station. Is that correct?

Kate: Yes, that is correct.

William: Well thanks for helping me. I must go and catch my train, hopefully I haven’t missed it!

Kate: OK, bye.

(Source: https://www.easypacelearning.com/all-lessons/english-level-2/1288-asking-and-giving-directions-conversation-english-lesson)



– Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to…? 

› Permisi, bisakah anda memberitahukan saya bagaimana untuk menuju ke…? 

– How do I get to…?

› Bagaimana cara untuk sampai ke…? 

– What’s the best way to…? 

› Mana jalan yang terbaik untuk ke…? 

– Where is…? 

› Dimanakah…? 

– Excuse me, do you know where the … is? 

› Permisi, apakah anda tahu dimana…? 

– Are we on the right road for…? 

› Apakah kita dijalan yang tepat untuk menuju ke…? 

– Can you show me on the map? 

› Bisakah anda menunjukkan kepada saya melalui map? 

– Continue straight ahead for about a mile. 

Lanjut jalan lurus sekitar 1 mile. 

– You’ll pass a supermarket on your left. 

› Kamu akan melewati supermarket yang berada di sebelah kirimu 

– Go straight on (until you come to…) 

› Lurus saja (sampai…) 

– Turn back/go back 

› Putar balik/putar arah 

– Turn left/right (into…street) 

› Belok kiri/kanan (ke jalan…) 

– Take the first/second road on the left/right 

› Ambil jalan/gang pertama/kedua di sisi kiri/kananmu 

– It’s on the left/right › Itu berada di sebelah kiri/kananmu

(Source: GOC Module/Direction)


  1. Excuse me! Where can I __
  • Find a supermarket?
  • Go to a supermarket?
  1. Excuse me! How can I __
  • Find the railway station?
  • Get to the railway station?
  1. Excuse me! How __ I get to the centre of town?
  • Do
  • Will
  1. Excuse me! Is this the __ way for the railway station?
  • Good
  • Right
  1. Excuse me! __ where the town museum is, please?
  • Could you say me
  • Could you tell me 
  1. Excuse me! __ for the swimming pool.
  • I look 
  • I am looking 
  1. Excuse me! Is there a bank __
  • Near here 
  • Right here 
  1. Excuse me! Where’s the __ post office, please?
  • Nearer
  • Nearest 
  1. Excuse me! Do you know _
  • Where is the town hall?
  • Where the town hall is?
  1. Excuse me! Could you __ me directions for the motorway?
  • Give
  • Tell


Kita telah mempelajari beberapa kalimat untuk bertanya dan memberitahu petunjuk atau arah jalan. Untuk bertanya arah jalan Anda bisa menggunakan salah satu kalimat seperti “Excuse me, how can I get to the train station?” dan untuk menjawabnya Anda dapat menggunakan beberapa kalimat petunjuk arah yang ada diatas, contohnya: “go straight for about a mile, the train station is on your right”.


Teguh Gunawan, S.Li.

Teguh Gunawan, S.Li.

Digital Marketing Enthusiast who's passionate about SEO, Content Writing, and Copywriting.
Teguh Gunawan, S.Li.

Teguh Gunawan, S.Li.

Digital Marketing Enthusiast who's passionate about SEO, Content Writing, and Copywriting.