
Now Everyone Can Speak English

General English (Basic Communication)

"I am happy to be here because i can improve my english skills both in writing and speaking. The teacher really helps me when i need to learn more, we aren't only learning the theory but also we're practicing what we learned. If you want to improve and to learn more, i recommend you Golden English."
English For Hospitality
Debby Melinda
University of Kwik Kian Gie
"There are so many English courses in Jakarta, but sometimes it's not easy to find the right one. Then, finally I got information about Golden English, with affordable price and flexible schedule. Golden English is a place where I can practice English conversation through the interactive medias, such as videos, slides and musics."
English For Hospitality
Gusti Bagus
Staff of The Westin Hotel Indonesia
"From my point of view, Golden English is the best choice for a beginner to learn English, with the cheapest price, they provide comfortable classrooms and good facilities. Golden English is not only teaching you about English, but it also has a kinship and togetherness with others."
English For Hospitality
Bintang Kusuma
Land Acquisition Staff of PT Waskita Jaya

General English (Active Communication)

"Hallo saya vivin, Semenjak saya kursus di golden english, kosakata English saya bertambah,pastinya english saya juga semakin baik ya, pengajar nya yang super ramah, dan yang paling suka itu kl kita nggak masuk di hari les, bisa d ganti d hari lain, semakin nyaman les di golden english 😂."
English For Hospitality
PT. Mensa Bina Sukses
"It is an amazing experience to take an English course at Golden English. The teachers are very experienced and they teach me with a fun method! there are outbound events, games, and trips with native speakers. If you are looking for a cheap and trusted English Course, Golden English is the best choice."
Romario Marito
Human Resource Consultant
"If you want to learn English language with an easy & fun way, you should join GE.The learning method is so attractive, GE utilizes technology such as our smartphone to make all of us active in the classBy learned at GE I could communicate with all of my collages around the world fluently
Multinational Comapny
"I'd like to share my experience of learning English at Golden English, It is amazing, because the tuition fee is quite affordable, the teaching materials are easy to understand, and the last (the most important), The teachers are friendly, the class is fun."
Sari Nurdiani
Staff of Indonesia Advocate Assosiation
“Golden English has unique learning system, that other English courses don’t have, the teachers are friendly & professionals. If you want to learn English faster and better, I recommend you Golden English”
kursus bahasa inggris privat
Muh Naufal
Property Professional
"Kursus Bahasa Inggris yang asik, seru, tapi ilmunya tetep dapet, ya dimana lagi selain GOLDEN ENGLISH? Metode pengajarannya yang gak monoton, seperti pemberian materi melalui games atau outdoor class. Guru-gurunya yang amicable and friendly, sehingga saya terlatih untuk berani dan percaya diri berkomunikasi menggunakan Bahasa Inggris. Serta ruang kursus yang nyaman, dan teman-teman yang easy going. Dan juga metode pengajaran "Practicing English communication with Native" yang meningkatkan kemampuan saya dalam mendengar serta bercakap Bahasa Inggris. Dan pastinya untuk biaya, sangat sangat terjangkau. So, GOLDEN ENGLISH is the best option for those of you who are looking for an English course that can improve your English skills quickly!
Deva Ramadhan
Student of Politeknik LP3I

TOEFL Preparation

tes toefl

IELTS Preparation

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Course of Collegian

In-Company Training